Monday, 25 February 2013

Now what?

   So, you’ve overcame the obstacles that were in front of you, did what you had to do, left behind what you had to leave behind and made do with what you had left of yourself, so now what?

   When was it enough? Did you sacrifice enough? Cry enough? Laugh enough? Endure enough pain to make the suffering sufficient to whatever fate God has planned for you? And who is to say that one day you wont be back in the exact same place you were before you battled your demons?

   Fortunately, we all have the power to control our own destiny. There are many choices in like that will lead us to the same destination. I like to think of my journey towards my destiny like my small town I grew up in. It didn’t matter what road I took, how many turns or stops I had along the way, I always ended up home. I firmly believe that our destiny is finding our home. Some people find it in being things like a stay at home mom, a loving wife, a crazy cat lady, and others do not find it until they are standing before the pearly gates waiting for final peace. No matter what you think your destiny is, there are no right or wrong choices you have to make to get there, so choosing to not allow people or things to force you back down into the deep, deep hole you are slowly walking away from is okay. Actually, it is more than okay.

   So instead of thinking “Now what?” try instead “What’s next?”. As you are going to continuously come up against obstacles and battles, you will gain tools and abilities to fight them. So what obstacle will be in your way next? Will you have to be your own knight in shinning armor? Will you have to rescue yourself? Who knows, but at least come up against these uncontrollable mishaps with a sense that you can save yourself, that you and only you can control how you feel and how you are affected by the world around you. Choose instead to be sad for those who bring you down rather than be down on yourself. Choose to find hilarity within a pointless fight, rather than hold onto anger. Choose to let go of someone who does not deserve a moment of your time, rather than holding onto them and letting them use you as a door matt.

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