The advice “never give up” never really meant anything to
me. If I wanted to give up, then I would. Simple as that. Be it school work, a
hobby, whatever, my choices are my own. Unfortunately I have learned the hard
way that that does not apply to everything in life, especially because I find
myself giving that same advice to people.
Bad times for this advice:
- - a relationship
- - a hobby
- - letting go
Good times for this relationship:
- - life
Now, I know that “life” is a pretty broad spectrum of subjects,
but the advice can be applied in a general sense, as well as in its very basic
definition. Never give up on your life. Never give up the right to breath or
the right to have a heart beat. Unfortunately, the advice of never giving up
does in fact have strings attached to it. When it comes to the game of life,
you really can’t give up solely because of all the other people around you. Is
that fair? No. But are you the only one who is stricken by this unfair concept?
Absolutely not.
I still really don’t like being told to never give up,
because sometimes I really just want to. Sometimes I want to give up trying to
train my rabbit to come when I whistle, sometimes I want to give up on my
hobbies and sometimes I want to give up on a relationship and that’s okay. What
isn’t okay is wasting everything that I really shouldn’t give up on by
performing the ultimate sacrifice of giving up on life. Sometimes I feel like a
zombie, I take a break from life and eat pudding while watching Netflix. I can
imagine that I’m not the only one who has these days and I am most definitely
not the last, but that doesn’t mean that I have completely given up.
I think the new advice we should be giving is “don’t be
afraid to take a break”. If people weren’t so afraid of taking a minute to sit
down and watch a hilarious episode of The Big Bang Theory or read a wonderfully
written novel, then maybe we wouldn’t feel the need to give up so easily on the
things that surround us. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and that definitely
applies to everyday life.
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