Thursday, 18 July 2013

Domestic Violence.

I just called the cops on my next door neighbours.

Although I'm nervous of the outcome, I think it was the best thing I have ever done. 

Domestic violence makes me very uncomfortable, as I'm sure it does to most people, and my heart breaks for women AND men who have to go through violence in their own home by someone who is supposed to love and protect them.

To top it all off, a dog was involved.
    I know that not everyone likes animals, but you don't kick a dog because you're mad at your spouse and the dog is obviously trying to protect one or the other. A misbehaved dog cannot take all the responsibility for how it acts, it is also the fault of the owners.

I never want to be in the position that I would have to deal with or be a part of domestic violence. I understand how hard it must be for someone in the position and have no idea what to do.

I really hope that my acts to help do not make it worse for anyone. That dog needs a better home and the couple needs serious help.

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