Have you ever looked to the sky when a young child has mistakenly let go of their balloon, and watch it float up and up until you can no long see it? Even though I know that somewhere a child is heartbroken and crying, I relish in the thought of where that balloon will end up and feel a sensation of relief and wonder so deep that I never want it to end.
Fortunately for me, I have found a way to keep that feeling when I need it most, and that is when I feel like the bottomless pit that is negativity has trapped me and is holding on very tight. When things feel bad, I imagine that all of my negative feelings are being put into a balloon, much like helium. Most times the balloon grows bigger and bigger, always close to bursting but never does. When I get to the point of no return, I let the balloon go from my tight grasp. I watch it float away, and hold onto those amazing feelings of relief and wonder as I float, just for a second, with no negative feelings inside my heart.